Best Baby Health & Safety: Products Reviews & Tips For You

You Will Get the Grease out of Your Mom Hair!


I don’t know about you, but my “mom hair” is gross sometimes. Since having my daughter I have let my hair grow to a crazy length (like, tilt my head back and it touches my butt, long). Maybe because it’s easy to put it up in a pony and call it a day, but other times (like when I get a chance to wash and dry it) it does look really nice. I do however have a really finicky scalp. If I use to harsh of a shampoo my skin goes into overdrive and gets super dry and itchy then over produces oil, getting all greasy.Am I alone with this problem? Please tell me no. If I use too mild of a shampoo I have to shampoo multiple times to have it feel clean and not like it has a residue to it.

I was super excited to try out the Clean Everyday Shampoo from Beauty Counter. Beauty Counter is a great company.  For instance, just by looking at the shop page for the shampoo it will show you the EWG’s Skin Deep rating for the shampoo (it’s only a 2 by the way, which means low hazard) and all the ingredients that make it up. They are very transparent in the ingredients they use in all their products.It also gives you the recycling guidelines for the packaging.

On their website Beauty Counter also gives a nice run down of every ingredient in their product line and what it actually is, plus what products it’s in. This is especially helpful if you’re allergic to anything.

So the true test came… I was advised to not use a ton because it goes along way. Well, I have really long thick hair, so I stuck about a half-dollar sized (is that even a saying anymore?) dollop in my palm and shampooed. A quarter size was more than enough, and I’ve cut back to much smaller amounts now. You can use more if you want more suds, but it’s definitely not needed. They also have a “matching” conditioner (I didn’t try this, though I might, because I never have good luck with conditioners. They always feel residue-y with my hair.).

The shampoo is lovely! It was gentle on my scalp, had a nice light scent, and took out the greasy feel. I generally shampoo every 3 days, maybe that’s a mom thing, but I just don’t have time to wash and dry and work and toddler-parent every day. This tackles that level of hair grease easily. If I go past the 3 day mark (shaking my head, can’t believe I’m writing that), then I generally use it twice. That might just be my hair though. I highly recommend giving this one a try!

We also tested out their SqueakY Clean Body Wash from their kid’s line. Laney gives it her stamp of approval. She is a bath loving girl, and I usually squirt a little in the tub as the water runs to make some bubbles then scrub her down using it. It has a nice light scent to it and it doesn’t aggravate her skin (which has a tendency to get bumpy and red with some other products).

I was introduced to Beauty Counter by one of their consultants, Halley Zanconato. You can shop her site using the links below. Plus, she has a nice personal blog with extra info!

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