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Week 27: Happy 3rd! (Almost?)

I pointed this out at the end of last week’s post, but here’s a refresher. Depending on what measurement calendar you look at, either week 27 or week 28 marks the beginning of your third trimester. I choose to think week 27 as the beginning of the end because we have worked hard for these first 27 weeks!

This past weekend, we packed up our things and headed to Austin, Texas! It’s our favorite place to go in this great state, and boy, did we have fun! We went swimming in a pool fed by an underground spring that never gets above 72 degrees Fahrenheit (Barton Springs Pool), we went kayaking/stand-up paddleboarding on Town Lake (Lady Bird Lake for the newbies), and we spent the day with my favorite sister-in-law ever! (I only have two, and the other one told me she doesn’t like my hair. This one wins by default!) Oh, and we alternated every meal between my three favorite restaurants in the whole world. Life is good, y’all!

We are in the throes of my step-son’s month with us. During the school year, we have him on and off regularly throughout the month, but summer brings a month on-month off schedule between our house and his mother’s house. We have spent so much time at the community pool that I think our fingers are permanently wrinkled.
This week, he’s doing a day camp at the horse stable that I grew up riding and working at. It’s incredible! I started riding there when I was eight years old, and I worked there every summer until I left for college. He gets the same teachers, staff, and even some of the same horses that I had the pleasure of training and working with. Talk about memory lane!

On the baby front, I have the dreaded glucose screening next week. My midwife … sweetened … the deal by giving me a bag of 28 jelly beans to eat instead of that orange syrup! My husband is still taking bets on how long it will take me to throw up 28 jelly beans at 8:30 in the morning (on an empty stomach, of course). My midwife gave me an extra bag of jelly beans just in case that happens. Eep!

Please send your nice juju/thoughts/prayers/fingers-crossed for me to: A) Keep the jelly beans down! B) Pass the hour-long screen so I don’t have to do the three hour test. C) Successfully plan the rest of my day out so that I can have my impending sugar crash in the comforts of my own home.


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