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Week 26: Pregnancy brain

Remember that time, one measly week ago, where I wrote all about the heat during my 26th week? You guys—the heat fried my brain! Last week was week 25, and this week is week 26!

Lesson learned. Do not travel to West Texas during the summer while pregnant if you want your brain to continue working.

So, my apologies! THIS week is week 26, and this week brought with it a prenatal check-up and my best friend’s 40th birthday party!

We hoopla’d it up in grand 40th style with all of our friends at the downtown Dallas hotel rooftop pool all afternoon and went to dinner at a local pub that has an extensive vegan menu. My best friend is vegetarian, so she was thrilled! As long as I can have real cheese, I’m happy to eat anything veggie.

In baby news, he is perfect! We’ve moved to the measuring tape system of checking my uterus size, and all measurements check out perfectly. He’s about 2 pounds now, and I have gained a total of 7 pounds (including gaining back the 10-15 that I lost/yo-yo’d during the miserable first trimester). I have also officially stolen all of my husband’s pillows, and the cats take turns snuggling in my cocoon with me during my mandatory afternoon naps.

Depending on what counting system you use, the third trimester starts at week 27 or 28. I’m saying 27 because that makes the end seem closer.


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