Best Baby Health & Safety: Products Reviews & Tips For You

The Original Co-Sleeper(T) brand bassinet Review

Before I had my son I was sure that we would not be co-sleeping. He would sleep in his crib and my husband and I would sleep in our bed. Luckily, Charlie had another plan. He always loved to be close to me , which created a nighttime struggle. Initially I resisted, but finally gave in to the fact that he would be spending his nights in our room. I’m so glad that it worked out this way, because I absolutely love co-sleeping, and it has become a wonderful experience for our family.
One key to making co-sleeping work for any family is for everyone to feel comfortable and safe in the arrangement. Sleeping with a newborn in the middle of the adult bed is not a safe option—pillows and blankets, among other things, can cause an unnecessary hazard.
I knew that if co-sleeping was going to work for my family then my son’s safety had to be the top priority. I was so excited when a friend introduced me to the amazing co-sleeping baby beds by Arm’s Reach. I was ecstatic to find that I could safely sleep with my son very close and that we would have easy access to one another during the night.
The Original Co-Sleeper(T) brand bassinet by Arm’s Reach is a totally unique piece of baby gear. It is a co-sleeping device, traditional bassinet and play yard all in one. But it is so much better than a traditional bassinet or play yard, because it has one side that is open to the parents’ bed, allowing mommy to easily place a hand on baby when he stirs, see him throughout the night, and easily draw him close for feedings while still allowing baby and mommy to have their own safe sleep space.
The Original Co-Sleeper(T) brand bassinet is suggested for use up to around 5 months or until baby begins to push up on hands and knees. Many of my co-sleeping friends like to transition their baby to a crib around this time, because night wakings are either less frequent or, if you’re lucky, nonexistent. The Arm’s Reach sleeper can then be used as a play yard—a must-have piece of gear once baby becomes mobile. It can be safely used in the play yard position for children up to 50 pounds.
So you may be wondering, why not just start with a play yard? Play yards typically have much lower weight limits than an Arm’s Reach co-sleeping unit, which can hold a child up to 30 pounds in the co-sleeping position. It also comes complete with high-quality, comfortable bedding—a sheet, mattress, and fabric bumpers. The Co-Sleeper{T) brand bassinet is made for the long haul, and offers a much more comfortable sleep solution than a play yard. My son sleeps in a play yard at my mother’s house, and it doesn’t come close to the Arm’s Reach in terms of comfort.
The entire unit is easy to move or store and comes complete with a convenient travel bag. It even fits into the overhead luggage compartment of most commercial airlines.Arm’s Reach offers a large line of co-sleeping options to fit every family’s needs and decor.Check out their full line at

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