Best Baby Health & Safety: Products Reviews & Tips For You

The KidCo Metro Gateway G170

Having a little bambino changes your whole entire life and it definitely shakes up your lifestyle. My little man has reached the 7-month mark (They grow up so fast don’t they?), which means we are very close to having a mobile tot on our hands.What’s a new mama to do? Well, babyproof, of course!

The first thing I knew we needed when prepping our house for our moving and grooving monkey, was to choose a baby gate. Luckily, we have a ranch-style home, so there was no need to buy a gate designed for use on a staircase. We simply needed to separate our rooms with a gate, preferably one that keeps our sweet, but pretty curious pup away from our equally curious son.
But have you even seen the dreadful, unstylish room dividers on the market? The outlook was grim, until I came across a stunning, light-weight and easy-to-manuever find. Really, this gate is one of the sleekest goods in my home and I absolutely love it. And I bet you’re just dying to know where I found this perfect product? Well, it’s the Metro Gateway G170, from KidCo, the makers of everything great from fireplaces to travel beds, as well as, a slew of well-made and stylish baby gates. In fact, they were the first company to introduce metal safety gates more than 20 years ago.
The Metro is a pressure-mounted gate meaning there’s no drilling required to make a safe hold. (You’ll want a hardware gate if you have stairs.) The gate came almost fully assembled, you just have to put a few of the pieces together and you are ready for installation. The best part? No tools are needed for assembly and the whole thing can be complete within 15 minutes. Let’s take a close look at the attributes that make this gate so appealing:

It may sound pretty cheesy to tell you that I smile when I look at this gate, but it’s very, very true. I am thrilled with such a great looking product that provides such safety to my family. There’s no need to worry about my little guy escaping unseen into the living room to play with our pup. Thanks to The Metro Gateway G170, I can breathe easy knowing that each little adventurer is safely stationed on the appropriate side of the fence.

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