Best Baby Health & Safety: Products Reviews & Tips For You

The Vicks Starry Night Cool Mist Humidifier

One of the hardest parts about being a parent is knowing that your baby—the sweetest thing in your whole entire world—will likely develop a cold at some point during the first year. Though you might expect alarms and whistles and time to stop at every sniffle, you might be surprised that your doctor simply recommends at-home remedies for your child’s ailment. When my son’s pediatrician recommended a “cool mist humidifier” for his first cold, I wasn’t sure where to start. To tell you the truth, I wasn’t really even sure what a humidifier did. (For the record, a cool mist humidifier produces cool, invisible moisture that loosens congestion and allows a child to breathe easier.) I panicked because I didn’t have one readily available at home. Thankfully, a friend told me about the Vicks Starry Night Cool Mist Humidifier and I have been thoroughly pleased with the comfort it has provided my little tyke on many occasions. Let’s take an in-depth look at this product so you can determine why it’s such a great fit for your family too.
First of all, it’s made by Vicks, a leader in the industry. I used Vicks products throughout my entire childhood, so it was easy for me to trust that the product comes with the utmost in safety requirements and standards. The product arrives completely assembled. All you have to do is remove it from the box and you’re ready to go.
After you pull it out of the box, look for a hard surface in a good position in your child’s room near an outlet. Then remove the tank and water filter from the base and set aside. Meanwhile fill the water filter with cool tap water and follow instructions if using the included scent pad. Replace the tank and filter into the base, plug-in the humidifier, choose your setting and you’re ready to go. The humidifier can run up to 24 hours depending on your child’s needs and doctor’s orders.
Special features
The Vicks Starry Night Cool Mist Humidifier comes with a ton of features that set it aside from the rest of the humidifier crowd:

After having a babe that’s had a few different colds in the last few months, I’ve been thankful for the help of this humidifier to un-stuff my little pumpkin.

Price: $55

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